Osteopathy emphasizes the interrelationship between structure and function of the body. Osteopaths are functional anatomists who use manual therapy. They find the health, rather than focus on disease. Osteopathic treatment works to restore proper body mechanics, nerve impulses and the circulation of body fluids.
Osteopathy itself is focused on improving the health of the patient in hand, the science and art of treatment is built around the patient becoming a healthier, and better functioning person. Looking at the body as a whole and looking for the cause of the dysfunction or lack of health. This sounds unclear, as we know it seems that way.
What we do is make a detailed assessment of your body, and its anatomy. Meaning we are looking at how your body is functioning on all levels, from movement, breathing, posture, coordination, digestion etc. The function of the entire system must be in working order for it to be healthy, each and everyone of the above components affects all other parts of the body, and opposed to looking at purely the symptom and the pain associated with it, we are looking for the reason why that exists. What are the underlying causes to the change in health and function.
If we can get the body to be healthier, the side effects of that are less aches and pains, better breathing, better digestion, less headaches and many other conditions.
The body is meant to be healthy, our job is to give the body the environment it needs to stay healthy long term.